Tumbleweed Guide is a new and fast developing travel guide dedicated entirely to Russia.
We are a small team of travel journalists and entrepreneurs who grew up in Russia and then went studying, living and working in various countries around the globe. But no matter how much we travelled, we were always drawn back to Russia, enchanted by its nature and its people, fascinated by its vastness and diversity, nostalgic about its language and its culture.
While hosting our friends from all over the world in Russia we realised how hard it can for independent travellers to explore Russia. Moscow and St Petersburg are changing so fast that no printed travel guide can catch up with them. Travel guides to other cities give only very general information about the most touristy places. Many amazing cities, towns and villages in Russia are not listed in any guidebooks at all. We want to change this. We go far beyond Moscow and St Petersburg, we explore distant regions of Russia, small towns and villages.
We write only about the places that we visited and liked. We handpick cool boutique hotels, unusual museums, quirky restaurants and bars, great bookshops, trendy coffeshops and much more. We talk to locals and find out what's on in the city. We love all things local and always look for local craftsmen, farmers, bakers, artists, etc. to give you the tips on where to find their produce, cool stuff that you won't find anywhere else in the world! We write about local dishes, traditional products, regional specialities, events that are taking place their so that you can plan your journey accordingly. Our aim is to immerse you in the place where you go, so that you can not only see it but also hear, smell, taste and touch.