Untimely Talent. Alexander Repin
Unique Gallery. 24A Baumana St. Until 30 November 2016
The biography and works of Alexander Repin reflect the history of the country from collectivization to the collapse of the USSR. The artist has experienced a lot in his life: orphanage and hunger, education in art school, war, education again, love and the birth of children, the Thaw and the first successes at the exhibitions, the stagnation and ideological reaction, rejection by the authorities and functionaries of the Union of Artists, creative disfavour and lack of money, the return to the viewer, the disease and as a result, the death at the age of 72. After getting acquainted with the works of post-impressionist artists, Repin began to produce his own pictorial language. Permanent creative search of styles and subjects has led the artist to extraordinary integrity in creativity. Art has always been allegorical, and "signs" helps the viewer to understand the idea of the artist. Alexander said: "My main sign is a creative reinterpretation of nature. The artist comes to naturalism to imitate the reality. The artist comes to realism in conjunction with the sign of nature». Being essentially a realist, Aleksandr Repin began to use landscape to find the new plastic language.