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Address: Zalavye village (деревня Залавье), Pechorsky region, Pskov oblast
Telephone: +79212115141
E-mail: ostrichfarm2014@mail.ru
Website: izborsk-ostrich.ru (in Russian)
Directions and transportation: The farm is located about 3km from Izborsk and can be easily reached by bicycle or by car. Walk along Pechorsky St. towards the motorway and turn left. Pass the supermarket and the pharmacy and continue down the motorway for about 4km. When you see the sign with ostrichs turn left and drive/cycle along the dirtroad for another kilometre, when the road forks take right and drive/cycle until you see the farm. There's a small parking lot in front of the farm, bycicle can be left there or inside the farm, they don't mind them.
The length of an average visit: 1h (+lunch)
Opening hours: 9am-6.30pm
Admission: General 100₽/ Free for children under 3
Accepted payment methods: cash or card (Visa and MasterCard accepted)
Accessible to English speakers: No, but there isn't much to read there anyway.
Guided tours: 1h tours in Russian are available for groups but only for groups if you book in advance
Dining: There's a restaurant at the premises serving ostrich-based food. For example, you can try ostrich burger or ostrich omellette there.
Shop: Yes. They sell a variety of very rich creams with ostrich fat.
Tips: When you buy the ticket to visit the animals, you can also buy a cup of cabbage to feed the animals. Mind the ostrichs as they tend to get aggressive and can easily snatch your cup away. Rabbits, raccoon and reindeers are also very interested in the cabbage so don't feed it all to ostriches straight away.
Izborsk ostrich farm
The farm known as the 'Izborsk Ostrich' is, in fact, the first ostrich farm in Pskov region. They started with ostriches but now they also have reindeers, rabbits, ducks, chikens, sheep and a very friendly racoon. The territory is big, and you can walk all around it and enjoy as much time with the animals as you want. There's also a really nice and cozy café where you can try a variety of dishes with ostrich meat or eggs and a small shop where you can buy creams with ostrich fat (they're really good!)
Address: Zalavye village (деревня Залавье), Pechorsky region, Pskov oblast
Telephone: +79113514654, +79319008256
E-mail: glazovpskov@yandex.ru
Website: http://pasekaglazova.ru
Directions and transportation: The bee garden and museum are located 7km from Izborsk. From Old Izborsk go towards the highway and turn right. Follow the road from 7km, pass Dubrovka village to your left, and about 500m after it you'll see the sign to your right pointing towards the museum. The road is pretty even so weather permitting cycling is a good option.
The length of an average visit: 1h
Opening hours: call in advance to make sure the owners are there. They'll be happy to show you around pretty much any time you arrive.
Admission: Free but donations are welcome (for donations, use special felt boot located in the dining room)
Accessible to English speakers: No, but there isn't anything to read.
Guided tours: No. But the owners will show you around if you like.
Dining: Local herbal tea, pastries, honey, mead and wine can be served if you book in advance.
Shop: Yes. They sell 2 kinds of honey, delicious (and very strong!) mead and homemade blackcurrant wine among other things.
Medovy Khutorok: Honeybee garden and the museum of beekeping and farming
Медовый Хуторок: музей пчеловодства и крестянско-фермерского хозяйства
This private museum is located about 7km west of Izborsk, close to Dubrovka village. There're over 10000 objects on display, all of which had been collected by late beekeper Gennady Glazov who travelled around Izborsk and bought them from local farmers and collectors. The museum and the bee garden are now kept by his wife and daughter. Lanterns, lamps, irons and instruments are neatly hang on the walls, samovars of all sizes and shapes stand in a row. Some items date from the 19th century and were once used by local peasants. Some of the items are on display outside, the rest are in two small houses. Occasionally, when groups arrive, they organise samovar tea ceremonies with sweets and honey, of course. If you are not planning to drive, they'll also offer you homemade wine and mead.

Horse riding in Izborsk
Izborsk is indeed a perfect place for horse riding. Even terrain, stunning views over the town and the lake, variety of landscape, what's more to ask for? The owners of local stables run 30min (350₽) and 1h (600₽) rides. For 30min rides they'll take you around the village but we strongly recommend 1h ride which is really scenic. The route goes past the village and down into the valley with a lake, past the fields, across the river and forest and the ancient site of Izborsk. Trips are run daily. Call them up beforehead to book a convenient time for you. A girl called Anna will meet you at the central square of Izborsk with horses.
Tel.: +7-964-316-63-93, +7-953-248-13-85