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The oldest park in the South of Russia, Gorky Park was founded in 1806 as an orchard, a vineyard, and a medicinal herb garden. However, it soon a became a popular city park frequented by locals. At different times, you could see th great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, tsar Alexander I, and, of course, Anton Chekhov, strolling along its paths. Today, the park is packed with amusement rides, restaurants, and even a mini-zoo and a terrarium. Summer evenings are particularly busy, when locals come here to cool down after a hot day on the sea. There're various concerts and performances, loud music is coming from all directions, street vendors are selling candy floss and popcorn. Still, there're shady and quiet paths deep into the park where you can hide form all the bustle. And it's very quiet on top of the ferris wheel, where you can enjoy the best views over the city and the sea. There's a new ferris wheel with glassed cabins, and a rusty Soviet one with open cabins. We recommend the latter for better views, and a pinch of adventure.



104 Petrovskaya St. (ул. Петровская, д. 104)


The park is located in the centre of Taganrog, between Gogolevsky Lane, Petrovskaya and Grecheskaya Streets. The central entrance is from Petrovskaya St. Another one is located on Maly Sadovy Lane.

Winter Season: 7am-10pm

Summer Season: 6am-12am 





The unusual brick mansion with a tower once belonged to Ippolit Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the younger brother of Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Ippolit Ilyich was a naval officer, and worked for the Russian Society of Navigation and Trade, which rented this charming house on Grecheskaya St. to their employee. The place was frequented by Anton Chekhov who was his close friend, and by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, who stayed in the house on various occasions. The room where he usually stayed is now a tiny museum called 'Pyotr Tchaikovsky's memorial room' with photos, letters, paintings, and books related to those three. The room is only open for guided tours which run every Wednesday at 1pm, and 5pm, and are free. There's no need to sign up in advance, just show up on time.


The rest of the building is occupied by Music and Foreign Literature Department of Chekhov Central Public Library, and you can sign up with any ID. The reading room boasts a collection of foreign language books (mostly French) which were sent here by Anton Chekhov himself during his travels to Western Europe. He dreamt of creating a library in his hometown, and these were the first books in its future collection. On the ground floor, there's a concert hall where they often hold concerts, lectures, and film screenings, which are open to the public. And don't miss the garden with a gazebo in the backyard of the library, it's particularly charming during the summer months. You've probably noticed that there's a tower on top of the building. It's usually not open for guests but try using you perusasive skills, and the staff might let you climb up to the top. There're great views over the city and the sea, so it's really worth it. 



56 Grecheskaya St. (ул. Греческая, д. 56)


The building is situated in the centre of Taganrog, next to the Old Stone Staircase which leads down to the embankment, and Turgenevsky Lane.

Go to Website (only in Russian)

Mon-Thu, Sun 10am-6om. Closed on Fridays, Saturdays, and the last working day of each month.

Concerts are usually held on Sundays, check their website to know what's on.

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