Pechory steadily grew around a fortified Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery which dates from 1473. Today, it is still the main attraction in town, where pilgrims and tourists flock side by side. After the revolution of 1917, Pechory became a part of Estonia, and while old monasteries on the territories of the Soviet Union were looted and destroyed, Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery continued to thrive, and united a large Russian community around it. Until the 1940s, it remained the only functioning Russian Orthodox Monastery in the world. But during the Second World War the monastery was partially destroyed, and later occupied by the Soviets. However, the monastery contiuned to function throughout the Soviet times, and in recent years has become one of the main tourist centres in Pskov region.
Distance from Moscow: 760km Founded in 1472 Population: 10 142 UTC+3
You can get to Pechory by bus from Pskov (1h) or Izborsk (30min). The timetable is on this website: http://pskovavtotrans.ru
(only in Russian). Buses run 2-3 times an hour. You can also catch a bus from Tartu (3h) or Tallinn. Check the timetable here: http://pechorybuss.ru (only in Russian). There's a more expensive bus which runs Thu-Sun departing Tartu at 5pm, and arriving to Pechory at 9pm. A cheaper bus run Mon-Fri, it leaves Tartu at 10.30am, and arrives to Pechory at 2.40pm.
Pechory is a small town, you can easily walk from one end to another in 30min. The monastery, the museum, the bus station and restaurants are located in the centre, close to each other.
Jan 18-19 - Epiphany celebrations at Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery
Feb 2 - Annual concert at Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery
May 3-4 - 'Consonance' Choir Festival
Aug 13-15 - Pechory City Day
Aug 28 - Assumption Day at Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery
Oct 18 - 'Golden Springs' International Folklore Festival