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Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery


A sleepy merchant town on the hills along the Nara River, Serpukhov was once a seat of the powerful princedom, and important stronghold on the southern approaches to Moscow. Its position on the steep hills saved it from looting and devastation a good many times. In November 1941, the Nazi army apprhoached Serpukhov, but never succeded in occupying it. After a month of severe fights, the German troops had to retreat, and thus saving Moscow from devastation. Today, only a rusty German machine gun and a bombshell in the backyard of local museum remind of the city's arduous past. Serpukhov is nice place to stop by for a day or two on your way to Tula. The city landscape is dominated by two ancient monasteries, founded in the 14th century. Local art gallery is undoubtedly the best in Moscow region, boasting an impressive collection of Russian art. There's a vast Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Biosphere Reserve on the outskirts of the city, a house of hundreds of rare plants and animals. But the main attraction of the park is a European bison (otherwise known as auroch or wild ox) who only recently was on the verge of extinction. 

Distance from Moscow: 99km                   Founded in 1339                          Population: 126 586                          UTC+3           



A high-speed 'Lastochka' train from Moscow will take you into Serpukhov in one hour. 'Lastochka' departs twice a day from Kursky Railway Station in Moscow. There're also slower and way less comfortable trains which depart every 30min and take 1.30-2h to arrive to Serpukhov.


Tickets can be purchased online or at the station (but make sure you arrive at least 40min early because queues can be really long). 1st-class tickets cost 320₽/510₽ depending on the seat.



737M 8.30-9.38am (1h8min)

739M 5.55-7.03pm. (1h8min)



738M 10.56am-12.00pm (1h4min) 

740M 8.45-9.50pm (1h5min) 




Serpukhov Railway Station is located in the new part of town which is rather far from all the attractions. The best way to get to the Old town is to call a taxi (the ride should cost 100-140RUB depending on the taxi company). History and Art Museum and Vysotsky Monastery are located close to each other and around 15min walk from the central square. Vvedensky Monastery stands on the other bank of Nara river, you can catch bus 4 from Volodarskogo St. to get there.




Aug 22-23 - Historical Reconstruction Festival 'Voinovo Pole'

Sep 18-21 - Serpukhov City Day


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